Whiskers – The Kitty Mood Ring?

Whiskers – The Kitty Mood Ring?

Your cat will send you a lot of signals. Learning how to read them can be a challenge, but it’s worth it for the communication between you and your cat.

A cat’s whiskers, while designed to be extremely sensitive feelers, can also be a window into what your cat is feeling. How your cat holds her whiskers, or moves them about, can provide a lot of information to the astute cat owner.

If your cat has her whiskers flattened against her face along the cheek, she may be afraid or anxious about something. This is a good indicator if that puppy your kids just brought home is well received or not.

When your cat is curious about something, or is showing a great deal of interest, as with a treat, her whiskers should be fanned forward, bracketing her nose and mouth. Hold out a treat to your puss and see if her whiskers don’t fly forward with interest. You might also observe this behavior when she is interested in a bird or bug on the outside of a clear window.

Your cat’s whiskers will have a neutral or maybe even droopy setting when she is relaxed or sleeping.

Never cut your cat’s whiskers. The loss of these fragile sensors may cause injury to your cat by messing up her balance and ability to feel what is around her head. Her ability to communicate with you and other cats will also suffer, causing her no little confusion and trauma.

Paying attention to your cat’s whiskers, like paying attention tot the person you are talking with, can provide a wealth of information and communication between you and your pet.