Training Your Cat

Yes, believe it or not, cats can be trained. This conditioning might not take the same form or steps as with a dog, but kitty can be taught some basic manners and behaviors. Or, as is more likely, they can be untrained from performing certain destructive activities.


This one can be problematic for many a proud kitty owner. Although domesticated, cats and other pets still retain much of their wild instincts. Between each other, biting is not just for fighting a rival or other attacks. It is also for playing with a sibling or neighbor or in the case of domestics, a roommate. It is also a way to grip a new mate just before certain love rituals commence. In the case of biting a person, it is either because they have been severely frightened or they are trying to play and have gotten too rough. Unfortunately, this can lead to nasty infections for the victim and should be treated immediately.

If a cat bites, try to grip the back of its neck firmly. This puts the animal into a submissive state. Most of the time, you’ll be too startled and in pain to do this, but if it happens once, it’s likely to happen again and you can be more prepared for future occasions. If you yell at the cat, it’s important for her to know why. Pressing their face and nose close to your injury while scolding may get the point across.

Mostly, pay attention to your favorite feline’s mood when handling them. A rapidly swishing tail, especially if the entire appendage gets into the act, growls or excessively loud purring could indicate kitty is getting ready to suddenly sink their teeth into you. Extreme gestures or sounds from your pet let you know how strongly they’re feeling. If they get too excited, accidents are liable to occur.


This, too, is left over from wild instincts. And it is an activity even more common than biting. This particular activity is used as much to express pleasure as to be used in a fight. When kitty is purring in your lap, you may suddenly feel multiple needles stabbing into your thigh or other tender anatomy. This means puss is happy.

To avoid further pinpricks, take kitty’s paws firmly in yours and hold them up away from your flesh. Adding a stern ‘no’ may be added. You cat does not realize that beneath your clothing there is tender skin being skewered. Or even when bare flesh is exposed, it does not occur to them that their kneading paws are causing damage. Bringing attention to the paws and pulling them away repeatedly should eventually get the message across that you do not like nor appreciate this particular manner of affection.

Urinating Inappropriately

If kitty is sick or severely upset, he may leave unpleasant ‘gifts’ in places other than the litter box. This is a fairly common complaint of many cat owners. The trick here is to figure out why your cat is unhappy. Anything from a kidney or bladder infection to being miffed over a new pet in the house to having the litter box moved or in need of changing could be the reasons for your cat to show their displeasure.

If you suspect they are not feeling well, a vet visit is obviously called for. If kitty gets a clean bill of health, something else is upsetting them. Cats prefer that their boxes be in dark, cozy corners. In the bathroom, under a sink, in a pantry area or other less traveled pathway is best. Make sure to change the litter often. If your feline has taken unkindly to the new baby or other family member, extra attention lavished on them and a proper introduction to the new arrival may help.

If worse comes to worse, locking puss in the bathroom or other room overnight with separate food, water and litter box may be needed to at least confine your cat’s incidents to a smaller, easier to clean area. And investing in an enzymatic or other urine neutralizer. Mostly kitty needs extra love. Not an easy thing to provide when you are upset with them over bad habits, but it really can work wonders to bring back the sweeter personality and purrs that you love about them.