Watch for our CatShop Opening Soon

What type of products do you say? Well, just small items that you may be interested in, and don’t forget all sales proceeds go to our supported Cats well being. We may go crowdfunding as it is also a nice way to help our Feline friends in need, but we have not fully implemented this, … Read more

The Cat’s Meow: Don’t Fall for It

The Cat’s Meow: Don’t Fall for It Cats can make over 100 different vocal sounds. They vocalize with purrs, growls, hisses, and meows. These vocalizations, however, are not all the same noises that the wild ancestors of the modern house cat would have made. Some of them are relatively new or different, the result of … Read more

Ways to Successfully Pill a Cat

When you have a sick cat that needs to be medicated it can be a challenge to get your pet to take its medication each day without the claws and teeth coming out. What steps should you take when you need to pill a cat? Try a Dummy Run If your cat is feisty and likely … Read more